Alex Dakota wrote an article about me recently and I thought it gave some insight into my life and career. So I have decided to publish it on my blog as well. If you have questions, feel free to leave a comment.
At some point in our lives, we will stand upon the threshold of a “fork in the road” of life. These “forks” provide us opportunities to take a less-known path towards new and exciting adventures. Taking our first step into the unknown is thrilling and intimidating. Without taking that first step, we would fail to grow in life. Wayne Emerson Gregory Jr. took that first step into making a change in careers. His story is inspiring for those of us who are stuck at the fork in the road in our own lives, afraid to move forward. Wayne relied on his faith to take a new path in life towards a whole new career and a new Wayne!
Just Who is Wayne Emerson Gregory Jr.?
We all have a story to tell about what prompted a change in our lives and how we clung to the fact that we would make it. Gregory’s story influences many and serves to encourage those of us teetering on self-doubt.
A Charleston Childhood
Gregory grew up in the beautiful seaside city of Charleston, South Carolina. As a boy in the 70s and 80s, he had the privilege of spending his childhood in a historic community. It was here that Gregory and the other children in the area developed a love for beaches and the ocean mist that blanketed Charleston.
“My fondest childhood memories are spending time with my family at the beach.”
Charleston is rich in history and was named after King Charles (Charles Town.) The English settlers formed the “Carolina Colony” in 1670 at Bull’s Island. Like other Charlestonians, Gregory has a rich dialect formed from proper English (from the settlers) and a southern drawl. Gregory’s grandfather grew up in Charleston, and it’s through his stories that Gregory came to hear about the real struggles of the Great Depression. During those dark times, many people relied on selling fish and shrimp they caught for a meager five cents. To sit and listen to how people suffered sparked a great appreciation within Gregory for just how blessed he and his family were. When Gregory wasn’t out enjoying baseball, football, riding his bicycle, or building forts, he was indoors playing. Now the toys he enjoyed may be foreign to today’s generation. Still, many of us may fondly remember the Atari computer games, Tonka Trucks, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and GI Joe. On rainy days, you could easily find Gregory and his friends propped in front of big clunky floor TV consoles watching Charlie’s Angels, the Friends & Seinfeld, or the Six Million Dollar Man. It wasn’t unusual to find Gregory singing and toe-tapping to the Dave Matthews Band’s great tunes!
Leaving the Nest
Gregory finished high school and began his collegiate studies, where he completed degrees in political science and government. While in college, he had the fantastic opportunity to participate in a foreign study program as he toured Europe for several months. Most of us recall our college years, where our focus was in one area but shifted as our education evolved. Gregory found himself drawn to exploring how he could better the lives of others.
“I want to do what I am passionate about in the community I have come to love.”
Drawing on the Past to Change the Future
Gregory took his education in political science and government and applied it in various positions. He had a goal to make a difference while relying on what he learned. Different roles landed him outside of his native Charleston. His career included numerous positions ranging in responsibilities and scope. By reevaluating his current career and situation, he made the decision to pursue a role in the healthcare industry after feeling a calling. He could harness his passion and desire to serve and help people by being more focused on a specific purpose. Additional training and education would be required to follow through with this endeavor. Today, Gregory is continuing to build his knowledge base and training to be even more qualified to continue down the path he chose.
A New Fresh Start in Life
Most of us choose our careers and find them highly rewarding. Then there are those of us who regret not taking the path towards something we wanted but compromised on. Changing careers or even the direction of your life is something within your power to accomplish. We must take control of the fear that holds us back just as Gregory did. He didn’t merely investigate a new field to go into; he dived in wholeheartedly, ready to learn and be a better version of himself. How do we gather the strength and bravery that Gregory had to change our own lives and destiny? The first step is the hardest, and that’s to decide to take a path that leads us to where we want to be. Be willing to trust the compass that lies within us to guide and direct us along the way.
Wayne Emerson Gregory Jr. Today
Today you will find Gregory working diligently as a licensed healthcare professional. His expertise and skills now focus on encouraging healthier lifestyles while guiding people on health-related issues. His zest for servanthood is still growing daily. It’s not uncommon to find him back on the beach where he once frolicked as a child.
“One of my greatest accomplishments was having the privilege of being a part of a recruitment endeavor, which created thousands of new jobs in my community.”
Gregory’s new career path journey has opened new doors and opportunities. As a licensed healthcare professional, he devotes himself to acute patient settings. Every patient, like himself, has a unique story and experience. He invests himself in turning what would otherwise be a dire health-related situation into something more positive. Patients come to depend on him to constructively help them to see their situation differently while enabling them with aid physically where needed. Caring is what it’s all about, and without a heart full of love and compassion, a person could not adequately perform in this field.
Every patient that crosses paths with Gregory becomes family to him. The resonant interaction shared between him, and his patients are healing for him. He deeply desires to help them live as vibrant as possible, regardless of what life throws at them. Through his teaching of self-empowerment, Gregory’s patients come to grow stronger emotionally. Powering through catastrophic health events such as cardiac, loss of limb, stroke, terminal illness, and more is something his patients come to learn from Gregory. Gregory is a strong Christian. Faith in God is a very important part of his life and he displays Biblical values that others can easily recognize in him. Kindness and generosity are the most obvious. While he could have continued in political and economic endeavors, he answered the new calling to the healthcare field. Answering the call was easy but going back and getting educated in the healthcare field was not so simple. Gregory is an intelligent individual who completed his qualifications much faster than others expected.